Testimonials 22017-02-08T22:15:27+08:00
[su_tab title=”Turn around situations“]

Repair a broken promise

Chew a $50m bone of contention

Turn around a large government deal

Patrick Baesel 100x100“Frederic is a creative, driven strategy director. He has considerable consulting and IT skills in addition to his ability to create intriguing content, unique perspectives, useful frameworks and models. Frederic also possesses a great spirit and is a team player. His innovative ideas and strategic thinking can help any organization move forward.”

Patrick Baesel, Director - IT Strategy, Oracle

Trevor Naidoo 100x100“Frederic can take very complex concepts and break them down into simple, easy to understand graphics or animated videos to highlight facts or findings. Frederic’s enthusiasm, creativity, attention to detail and analytical mind makes him an asset to any team.”

Trevor Naidoo, Senior Director - Insight , Oracle

“Frederic has deep consulting skills and a great ability to get to the root of a problem; and his energy, enthusiasm, and positive attitude are remarkable.”

Tom Wilson, VP, HR, Trianz worked with Frederic at Trianz
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